Friday, August 31, 2012

favorite fall trend: striped pants

picture credit: this time tomorrow

Favorite fall trend: the striped pants and jeans

en; I read about this trend in the latest issue of Teen Vogue. It was obviously not the first time that I heard about the trend; I saw many of my favorite bloggers wearing those pants. But it seriously got me thinking about it again. I just realized that it could be the perfect trend for me. Why? Because I'm ridiculously small - or as some may say "petite". Striped pants can only make your legs look longer, right? That's pretty perfect for me!

fr; J'ai récemment lu dans Teen Vogue un article sur les pantalons à rayures. Ce n'était évidemment pas la première fois que j'en entendais parler; beaucoup de mes bloggeuses préférées en ont portés. Mais ça m'y a fait penser à nouveau. J'ai réalisé que c'était sûrement la tendance parfaite pour moi. Pourquoi? Parce que je suis ridiculement minuscule - nos amis américains disent "petite" (avec l'accent ça le fait, je vous promet:). Bref, je me suis dit que c'était génial car ces pantalons allaient me faire des jambes mille fois plus longues! "Pauline, tu as grandi?" "Ouai, ouai, je fais 1,60m maintenant!".

Thursday, August 30, 2012

versatility with katy perry

(look at her face on the last one: doesn't she totally look like Peyton Sawyer from One Tree Hill!!)
pictures from: fashion gone rogue

What about 'Versatility'? Illustrated by Katy Perry

en; I don't know if it's still ok to say "OMG!" but that was pretty much my reaction when I saw these pictures of Katy Perry for L'Officiel France. We have Katy as we never see her: sober (with a gothic touch). It got me thinking about versatility and how I love people who know how to adapt their style constantly. I love how she feels ok about going out with blue hair and a candy dress one day and play the game of this photoshoot the other. I'm not as daring as Katy, but I also hate to think that my style is defined. I like to believe that it's in constant motion, in constant improvement too. Yesterday I was wearing sneakers and sweaters. Today I'm rocking a classy jacket and beautiful jewelry. Who knows about tomorrow?

fr; Je ne sais pas si ça se fait encore de dire "MONG!" mais c'est un peu la réaction que j'ai eu quand j'ai découvert ces photos de Katy Perry pour L'Officiel France. Nous retrouvons Katy comme nous ne la voyons jamais: sobre (avec une touche de gothique). Cela m'a fait penser à la versatilité et à la capacité de certaines personnes d'adapter leur style en permanence. J'adore qu'elle se sente d'humeur à sortir avec les cheveux bleus et une robe en bonbons un jour et qu'elle se prête au jeu de ce photoshoot le lendemain. Je n'ai pas le culot de Katy, mais je déteste penser que mon style est figé et défini. J'aime penser qu'il est en constante évolution, en constante amélioration. Hier je portais des baskets et un sweat, et aujourd'hui je suis dans une veste chic de blazer et je porte de magnifiques bijoux. Qui sait ce qui sera au menu de demain? 

 xx, Pauline

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

nasty gal's debut collection

pictures credit: nasty gal

Nasty Gal's first collection

en; I've been a fan of Nasty Gal ever since I discovered their website something like two years ago. They started from an ebay shop to become the huge online store that they are today. If you're looking for the coolest, edgiest pieces out there, don't look any more and shop Nasty Gal. Yesterday was a big day for the brand as they released their own debut collection. The first thing I can say about it is that it's very faithful to their spirit. There are many pieces I love, many I can't wear. I made you a selection of my favorites!

fr; Je suis une grande fan de Nasty Gal depuis que j'ai découvert leur site il n'y a pas loin de 2 ans. Ils ont commencé avec un petit magasin sur Ebay et ils sont aujourd'hui un des plus grands sites de vente en ligne. Si vous cherchez les fringues les plus cools et originaux, rendez-vous sur Nasty Gal. Hier était un grand jour pour la team puisqu'ils ont lancé leur première collection personnelle. La chose qui m'a tout de suite frappée c'est qu'il sont restés fidèles à leur style initial. Il y a pleins de pièces que j'adore même si je ne peux pas porter la plupart d'entre elles. Je vous ai tout de même fait une petite combilation de mes pièces préférées.

Monday, August 27, 2012

being young and a fashion-addict

'balmain' picture from the cut

The hard life of broke, young fashionistas

en; I am not an hypocrite. If I was super rich, I would really enjoy buying designers clothes every day. But before we become super rich, we're usually forced to pass by the young-adult years. Those are very difficult years for a fashion addict, simply because our addiction costs a lot. I realized that on saturday as I was shopping for a party outfit for next week. I went for a skirt and pretty blouse. Both cost me over $120. They are from Zara (you can do a lot worse in terms of price). I wanted trousers instead of the skirt but it would have cost me $180. When you know that as an intern, in France, we make $400 per month, spending $180 (which is almost half your salary) in ONE outfit is pretty painful. I feel bad when I think that interns in the USA and other countries sometimes work for free. How are we supposed to live with that? I'm lucky enough to have parents who pay for my accomodation and food so I can spend my internship money on clothes or travels, but some can't even afford to do that. But even if I can spend everything on clothes, I have to shop only at Forever 21 and H&M to fill my closet with lots of new clothes. Let's take an exemple. I happen to be a huge fan of Pierre Balmain. I think the collections always are gorgeous and realized with an exquisite taste. The bad news is that if I wanted to buy a Balmain jacket, I would need to spend 6 to 8 months of my intern salary (if we pretend that I haven't spent a penny in anything else, which is very unlikely). I'm not saying that Balmain is a bad man for making his clothes so expensive. The quality is probably worth the price. I'm just saying that when you're young, you're usually freaking broke and dealing with a fashion-obsession is a freaking pain in the ass. That's it - end of ranting.

fr; Je ne suis pas une hypocrite. Si j'étais super riche, je serais la première à m'offrir des vêtements de créateurs tous les jours. Mais avant de devenir super riche, on passe par une période difficile de "jeune adulte". Ce sont des années plutôt dures à vivre pour des passionnées de mode car notre obsession nous coûte bien cher. Je me suis particulièrement rendu compte de cela en faisant mon shopping samedi dernier. Je cherchais une tenue de soirée pour la semaine prochaine et j'ai opté pour une blouse avec des strass et une jupe. Les deux m'ont coûté un peu plus de 100€, alors même qu'ils venaient de chez Zara (donc il y a pire en terme de prix). Au départ, je voulais plutôt un pantalon mais mon total aurait dépassé les 160€. Lorsque nous savons que le salaire des stagiaires en France dépasse à peine les 400€, cela signifiait que j'allais passer presque la moitié de mon salaire du mois dans une seule tenue: DUR. Comment sommes-nous supposés vivre comme ça? J'ai assez de chance car mes parents payent pour mon logement et ma nourriture donc tout mon argent de stage peut aller dans mes vêtements, voyages et loisir. Mais ce n'est pas la même chose pour tout le monde. Si je veux pleins de vêtements, il faut que je me cantonne à Forever21 et H&M. Prenons un exemple: j'adore Pierre Balmain. Je trouve ses collections divines et réalisées avec le plus grand goût. La mauvaise nouvelle est que si je souhaite m'offrir une veste Balmain, je dois économiser entre 6 et 8 mois de salaire de stagiaire (en supposant que je ne dépense pas un centime à côté, ce qui est plutôt impossible). Je ne critique pas les prix imposés par Balmain car je sais bien que la qualité apportée à la pièce en vaut le prix. Je dis juste que quand nous sommes jeunes, nous sommes souvent ruinés et faire face à notre addiction pour la mode, c'est super galère. C'est bon, j'arrête de râler.

xx, Pauline

Saturday, August 25, 2012

sass & bide

New discovery: Sass & Bide

en; I just discovered this brand by visiting the Sabo Skirt blog (which I deeply love) and I couldn't help making a post about it. The designs are absolutely stunning. I featured pictures from their latest collection where white, black and silver are the main tones, but from their summer collections, you can tell that these people know how to play with colours. I love how every single piece makes a statement. The clothes are elegant, yet a little edgy. I encourage you to take a look at their beautiful website. So, what is the bad news? They unfortunately only ship to Australia. But don't be too sad, they are opening their online store to USA, UK and New-Zealand on september. That's a promising first step! (Click READ MORE for additional pictures).

fr; Je viens juste de découvrir une super marque grâce au blog Sabo Skirt (blog que j'adore) et je n'ai pas pu m'empêcher d'en faire un billet. Les designs sont impressionnants. Les photos que j'ai choisies datent de leur dernière collection donc les principales couleurs sont le blanc, noir et argent - mais si vous jetez un coup d'oeil à leur collection estivale, vous verrez qu'ils sont aussi très fort dans le maniement des couleurs! Chaque vêtement en impose vraiment. Leurs vêtements sont élégant et ils ont vraiment un truc en plus. Je vous conseille réellement de jeter un coup d'oeil à leur site. Vous allez donc me demander, quel est le problème? Ils ne livrent qu'en Australie pour le moment. Mais la bonne nouvelle est qu'à partir de septembre, ils ouvrent leur e-shop à la Nouvelle-Zélande, aux Etats-Unis et à l'Angleterre donc c'est déjà un bon début! (Cliquez sur READ MORE pour plus de photos de la collection).

Friday, August 24, 2012

a heaven of zara shoes

Zara fall/winter 2012-2013 shoes collection

en; My adoration for anything Zara is nothing new (70% of my closet comes from this store). But when I randomly visited their page yesterday and I saw the new shoes collection, I almost fell of my chair. I had never wanted so many pairs from one of their collections, ever. There are at least 10 pairs that I very seriously want. They positionned themselves on the cowboy trend (which is quite amazing since I can't afford an entire Isabel Marant wardrobe just quite yet), they're staying faithful to the studs trend (which is quite amazing as well because I'm pretty heavy on this one) and they're giving us an extensive choice of boots (which is amazing too because well it's fall/winter and what else than boots should you wear at this time of the year?!). As you may have guessed, I'm going on a Zara shopping spree this week-end!

fr; Ma passion pour Zara ne date pas d'hier (à peu près 70% de mes vêtements viennent de là-bas). Mais il s'avère qu'hier je me baladais sur leur site où j'ai découvert leur nouvelle collection de chaussures et je suis presque tombée de ma chaise (en fait, pas du tout, j'étais bien confortablement installée dans mon fauteuil mais on a compris l'image). Jamais je n'avais eu envie d'acheter autant de paires de l'une de leurs collections. Il y en a au moins 10 dont j'ai réellement envie. Ils se mettent à la mode cowboy (ce qui m'arrange bien car je n'ai pas encore gagné au loto et donc on repassera pour la garde-robe total Isabel Marant), ils continuent avec les clous (LA tendance que j'ai adorée cette année) et ils nous offrent un large choix de bottes qui, avouons-le, sont à peu près la seule chose que nous portons l'hiver. Bref, vous l'aurez compris, ce week-end, je me fais une razia chez Zara!

xx, Pauline

Thursday, August 23, 2012

fashion's night out video

Fashion Night Out Promo Video

I cannot get over how amazing, funny, entertaining this video is. It's like a concentrate of your favorite celebs/designers/models just hanging out there with the gorgeous Darren Cris singing some song about fashion and showing his dance moves in the background. This is genius and this makes me even more excited for FNO than I already was. For more info about FNO, make sure you check out the fashion's night out website.

xx, Pauline

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

lea michele for nylon

Lea Michele covers the september issue of Nylon magazine

Nylon has always been one of my favorite magazines, especially when it comes to the fashion/clothes they feature. Their coverstars are always dressed with the most wonderful clothes, whether they go for classic pieces, edgier ones or even original items. They never disappoint. I guess I could do a post every month about them because of how much I love every single issue. I will try not to. For their september issue, they decided to go with Lea Michele, who is one of the loveliest & sexiest celebrities out there. Lea has the most stunning voice ever, hands down. Seeing her singing live is on my bucketlist, for sure. She's also a great inspiration because she proves that you can be beautiful without conforming to standards. Many people criticized her, told her to do plastic surgery if she wanted to make it as a singer. She didn't listen to them and look at her now: she's one of the prettiest, sexiest celebrity right now. At least to my opinion; simply because being yourself IS sexy! Click READ MORE for more pictures.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

fall trend: black nails

The black nails trend

Black nails are making a come-back (not that they can ever completely go away). When I was 15-16, I would always paint my nails black. I've never been gothic, I've never had a "dark" fashion style, but for some reason I liked my nails only black. My mom hated it. This is my biggest act of rebellion ever, so far. I read somewhere about how black nails were a must this winter and realized that I haven't painted my nails black ever since sophomore year in high school. I cannot explain how I could wear it everyday and suddenly not wear it at all for 3-4 years. Anyway, I'm more than ready to rock my black nails this winter and have my teacher look at me weirdly. If celebrities can do it on the red carpet, I sure can too.

Monday, August 20, 2012

my vacations on instagram

My vacations on instagram

Hey there! As you may have noticed, I haven't updated the blog in the last few days. From my latest posts, you can deduce that I was away in vacations ... and i'm now back which is the least exciting part of this post. It's never good to be back but it was lovely to spend a few days with my family. There is one thing you need (or not) to know about me in vacations: I suddenly forget that carbs and fat even exist. Seriously. I'm usually this kind of annoying person who cries after eating cake. But when I'm in vacations, *brain switch right now* I feel very good about the fact that I'm eating chips even though I already had a burger for lunch and I'm eating pasta later for dinner. I become this kind of eating monster. Sad thing. Now I have 5 extra pounds to lose.

Another sweet souvenir I brought from my trip (along with the extra pounds) is my sunburns. Some people tan under the sun, I burn. Yes, even if I applied a SPF50 cream. That's my very own thing. This means that I suffer like hell whenever I: sit, sleep, put on pants, touch my skin, take a shower, put on shorts, eat, move. Ideally, I would just stand still all the time. As this is not a possible option at the moment (even if tempting), I'll keep applying my moisturizer, telling myself how I will avoid the sun next time (which I obviously won't do).

Have a nice day and take a look at my awesome instagrams pictures from my vacations (none are of my sunburns, you can thank me now!).

left: this is me trying to pretend i'm both smart and chic. right: this is what i actually really read.

left: me trying to recover from the sunburns (this is only the 3rd cream!). right: boats - for a parisian, that screams "beach holiday!"

xx, Pauline

Friday, August 10, 2012

my mulu account

money goes to charities with mulu

Do you know about mulu? Mulu is a wonderful website which allows you to "pick" your favorite products from any website. By visiting your mulu website, your friend can see what you're recommanding and click on the products to purchase them. But what's so wonderful about Mulu is that all the money you earn thanks to this will go directly to charity. As you may know, the fight against cancer is a very dear cause to me (you can visit my "charity" page). Therefore, I chose to give all the rewards to LetsFCancer. Each time someone clicks on one of my recommandations to purchase the products, a percentage of the money will directly go to the wonderful people at LetsFCancer. Isn't that amazing?! You can follow my MULU here. xx, Pauline


jewelry from: asos, h&m, bcbg max azria, homemade/diy and vintage 

h&m sunglasses, h&m necklace, zara sweatshirt, romwe shorts, zara cowboy blouse

I'm finally getting a few days off and I couldn't be more excited about it. I will finally get to reunite with my family. As much as I love Paris, summer should be spent at the beach and I plan on enjoying it. So yesterday, I had to do what is both my favorite and least favorite thing to do: packing. As always, I brought way more than I actually need but you can't change what's deeply rooted! Now I'm going to go through this last day of work - have a glass of red wine ready for me tonight! xx, Pauline

Thursday, August 9, 2012

'on my way to vacations' playlist

'on my way to vacations' playlist

As you may or may not know, I'm know on my way to a well deserved vacation destination. Well, the destination itself has nothing special. I'm just spending a few days with my family at our vacations place in France. But I will sure enjoy the beach and all the partying. This playlist is what I'll be listening too during my train travel. These songs have a roadtrip-song vibe and will definitely put me (and YOU) in a good mood!

See you very soon! xx, Pauline

my shoes collection

My ever-growing shoes collection

As pretty much any other fashionista out there, I'm addicted to shoes. I loved that IFB decided to focus this week's challenge on shoes. I have so many pairs, from Zara to Asos, from Christian Louboutin to Nike. It was fun to take a picture of them to share it on my blog. Just for your information, there are not even all my pairs on these pictures and I plan to add many other pairs! (I took the pictures with my iPhone so that's why they're not super high quality).  xx, Pauline

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

miley cyrus for marie claire

miley cyrus is back on the cover of marie claire

September is without any doubt the best month in the fashion world. In addition to the fashion weeks, it's also the month for the "fashion issues" for magazines. They chose their september cover girl more carefully than at any other time of the year. Marie Claire chose Miley Cyrus whose last cover was on of the best-seller of the magazine. I won't hide my love for Miley Cyrus - I was a fan as a teen, watching Hannah Montana, and I still am now even if I don't always approve all the choices she makes. She's independant, she has her own personal fashion style and an original view. This photoshoot she did for Marie Claire is one of the most gorgeous ever. The clothes they choose are stunning. The hair styling is brilliant. I wanted to share these pictures with you because it's definitely one of my favorite photoshoots for september. Click here to see the full shoot cover by Marie Claire. Click READ MORE for more pictures from the shoot.

Monday, August 6, 2012

my week on instagram

From jewelry shopping to a yummy cheesecake: my week on instagram!

I had quite a busy week. My dad decided to leave Paris permanently so I spent quite a lot of time with him. I know that I'm 20 years old and life's moving fast right now, but leaving your parents is always hard. Soon it will be my turn to move far away. I also did a little shopping, as you may see: I bought wonderful things at BCBG Max Azria and a few lovely jewelry pieces at H&M. You can also find pictures from my delicious restaurant food (I know I shouldn't instagram food like that but I can't help) and Paris views from places where I happened to be for various reasons. Now on to another, even busier week!

Friday, August 3, 2012

chateau de versailles

A little trip at the Versailles Castle

Here are a few pictures of the Chateau de Versailles (Versailles castle) that I took yesterday while I was doing streetstyle pictures for the website that I work for. I learnt a valuable lesson there: chinese tourists are very shy and won't do any streetstyle for you, which is pretty sad because many of them have a kick-ass sense of style. I will leave you with these beautiful pictures and wish you all a wonderful day and a good week-end whatever you're planning to do.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

royal fashion inspiration: kate middleton

Why we love Kate Middleton's style

The olympic spirit is flying everywhere. All we seem to care about lately is how many medals our country will bring back home. This month, we are all about the olympics, that's a fact. Home of the games, Britain is also the land of famous fashionistas. Among my favorites: Ashley Madekwe, Sienna Miller, Emma Watson, Audrey Hepburn or Alexa Chung. IFB had the wonderful idea of asking us to do a post about our british fashion inspiration. I first thought I would feature all my favorite british fashionistas but I realized that would make the longest post ever written on a blog. So I decided to join the smart people from Vanity Fair and crown Kate Middleton "best dressed of the year". She will be my feature for this post. Now, READ MORE.